Evolution in Action

Think of it as evolution in action. Oath of Fealty - lLarry Niven and Jerry Pournell Read that book and you will understand. The short version goes like this. There are many idiots and fools in the world and there is nothing wrong with pointing them out.

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Goth is DEAD

Get over it. Move on. Get a fucking life. Goth has been usurped by 13 year old middle class American mall rats. It's over already. It's in the movies. It's on tv. It's done. Once it's on tv it's fucking over. Deal with it. If you really want to be on the cutting edge then find something else to do. I don't know. Pierce your brain. Cut your balls off. Yeah, that's it. The next big movement on the bleeding edge of being different isn't going to be piercings or tattoos. It's going to be turning yourself into castrati. Look it up yourself. And don't sue me because you're a big enough moron to cut your balls off just because you read it here. I have no responsibility for your stupidity. It's just evolution in action.


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